Attending Universitas Bakrie's workshop today, called How to Create and Manage Your Own Blog. The speakers was Drg. Irayani Queencyputri, she's a dentist and also the chairwoman of Pesta Blogger 2010. Such a very inspiring woman. But since I came late, I didn't get much information. Please blame my father. But fortunately, they gave us a booklet about the workshop content.
It was crowded, as not I expected before. Maybe because the spirit of being a freshmen? lol. They're coming from all over Indonesia. Padang, Klaten, Banjarmasin, Cirebon, and even Papua!
And I visited the Ilmu Komunikasi booth and asked some question to the seniors. They were nice, friendly, and warm. They gave me a bar of kit-kat! :D

Can't wait to start my college soon!

2 Responses so far.

  1. halo salam kenal gw mahasiswa ub juga kunjungi blogku ya and

  2. Anonymous says:

    Holaaa,,sama niiih MaBa UB juga.. Heheh.. Visit me will you??
    Thanks.. :D

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