Currently watching Arsenal vs Chelsea. Yes, the London derby!!! I really hope Arsenal will win this game~

College was a major changes in my life. New friends, new atmosphere, new place, everything's new. I LOVE MY COLLEGE FRIENDS. They bring me a new spirit :)

fantastic birthday gift ever!
full team :D
This is the step that I took. I choose to be here. There's no way back. And there are no regret. 

4 Responses so far.

  1. The biggest photo in the centre of picture frame tell everything.. haha :D

  2. Navia Izzati says:

    oh shut up. HAHAHAHA. it was my friends, I know nothing.

  3. Yeah, but you keep that picture in your room until now. It was tell everything. How deep your feeling run on him :p

  4. Navia Izzati says:

    Yes I kept that picture on my wall, soalnya mubazir kan kalo ga dipajang. But I have no feeling on him, at least no more.~

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