It's been a busy holiday for me, because I need to finish some of my works even on my holiday. Writing articles, interviewing the informants, doing budget revision, etc etc. But, I still make time for reading books. Am currently reading Inside Reporting by Tim Harrower.

Borrowed this book from campus library. At first, I just interested with the title, as I have so much concern on journalism. Then I started to read the first page. Surprisingly, the book was full of colour, graphic, and picture! Page to page, I fell in love with the book. It gives me so much information about being a great reporter. From the history of journalism, the law & journalism ethics, until the information of how the newsroom works! I can't stop reading this book.

"Bun, would you buy me this book?"
"No. Just borrow it from the library."

P.S.: I successfully made my articles done on the deadline date! And the editor told that my writing is good! :D

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