So today, I was just browsing through YouTube and accidentally found a DIY laptop sticker video on my recommendation box. Then I look into my laptop and realize 'omg my laptop is so boriiinggg!'. So, I decided to make my own DIY laptop stickers and share it with you all :3

Here's what you will need:

  • A bunch of Tumblr stickers (google it!) printed on laminated A4 paper
  • Double tape
  • Scissors
And of course a laptop!
(It's better if you protect your laptop with clear protection stickers before)

The steps:

  • Cut the Tumblr sticker by following the border line
  • Stick a double tape to the back of the cutted stickers

  • Make a pattern on your laptop before you peel off the tape and make sure it's on the right position when your laptop open
  • Voila! Now you have a Tumblr look a like laptop :3

Well, I have to say that it's kinda look weird on my laptop because it's grey. I think if your laptop is white, it will look really cute. But, I like it anywaaay <3


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